
They are so much fun. We were on our way to church and just having FUN. Yesterday when we were out in the back yard a small white moth/butterfly type bug flew by - and oh my, did it create a scurrying of laughter, fun and wild jumps to catch it! The sheer simplicity of their joy in chasing a small bug was water to my soul :) Another pass time they've taken up is trying to catch any and all flies that somehow end up in the house. It is rather...HILARIOUS, b/c generally Daddy is in on the hunt too. Picture all 3 in the bay window area of the kitchen STALKING the bugs - and Savvy and Daddy actually CATCH them! EW! Much delight and Wyatt says "MORE BUGS!!" No, thanks, at least not in my house :)
OK so i Realize that when Savvy is 13 she won't appreciate this picture, but Chuck and I laughed so long and hard about this - she was reading the funnies while just sitting on the potty :) love it!
Toy box, AKA Wyatt's other bed. Savvy lays out the pillow, covers him with the blanket and he pretends to "sleep", including asking for a drink and a snack :) it is hilarious.
Shopping with Emily the moose (She is in the basket buried under the stuff they "bought"). Savvy was very polite and mommy-like, asking Emily if she wanted to be in the basket with the groceries...of course Emily said Yes :) Sometimes we take her shopping cart with us to the store and she helps me shop. It is great fun!
He loves to do what his sister does :)
We moved on from Emily in the cart to Wyatt....she has to work pretty hard to push him around :)
Potty training is going pretty well - we had 2 FRUSTRATING days last week when Wy was testing the boundaries "Do you really mean this, mom?" YES, YES I DO. :) HE is a quick learner and Thank GOD for an obedient heart!
We had a 4D Ultrasound done of Hudson this past week - so amazing. He is chubby - or maybe just squished :) and even has some HAIR!!! And, not that this is ANY surprise whatsoever, he has gigantic feet. LOL
Runs in the family :) he he
The disk they gave me well, didn't exist so I'll post pictures as soon as I get them :)
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