Easter and celebrating LIFE!!

 HOORAY! for Easter and celebrating the Resurrection of JESUS!!

We have had so much fun - we colored eggs twice - oh my the mess and the fun :) They both enjoyed it - Savvy the coloring, and  Wyatt the splashing :) We are going to eat them as bacon-filled deviled eggs :) YUM-O
 He figured out how to peel the egg all by himself! HE took about 2 bites - and then decided the yolk was a GREAT ball :) Had to put the kabosh on that :)

yummmy...i think :)
 So our grass is a KY blue grass that hates Arizona weather :P so after a year of struggling and walking thru what feels like small hard sticks, my dad found some random grass plugs...you cut them up into 1" squares and plant them 6-12in apart and they are supposed to spread like a vine or some such thing. So this is my love and my dad planting the 1" squares :) We'll see how it works out. I'll post pictures in 3 weeks or so. I'm a tad skeptical....

 Check out my garden!!! We have been eating lettuce and spinach out of it - it is SO SO SO fun and yummy and glorious :) I love growing things!!!
 Our new bunkbeds!!!!!!!!!!! Hooray! we were able to get a great deal on these great, heavy duty beds for Savanna and Wyatt! They will share a room until Hudson is old enough to share with Wyatt. They are strong and will be able to handle two boys who want to jump and climb and play and .... :) Its a great investment! The kids played on them - well, actually they haven't stopped since we've gotten them on Thurs. Now we just need a mattress for Wyatt, and some bedding, and he will start sleeping in the BIG BOY BED! :) yay for big milestones, before Hudson!!

OH, and this is Hudson and I - 32 weeks along and GROWING :) we are all ready for him to come. Especially me :) Come, June, Come!


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