Nebraska! Settling in....

And we really love it. I have meant to blog regularly....and hopefully we will get there. We had a GREAT trip here. 1200 miles and only one traffic jam that lasted 3.5 hours. In New Mexico. So random. But we arrived safely and are settled - for now. 

The weather has been so amazing. RAIN. Clouds. NO 100+ degree days. Today is the first day of FALL and we are excited. After 14 years of NO Fall, we are rejoicing. πŸ˜ƒ It is looking like we might have our first freeze in a week or 2 - YIKES! We are all thrilled for all the comes with Fall and Winter. In March, when it is cold and wet and dreary, I will remember Arizona with more fondness LOL
our Fall decor in the camper!

Life has settled into a good rhythm. The kids are truly enjoying their new school. It actually amazes me how they have settled in and LOVE their school. Savanna is in 6th grade and just yesterday they had 6th Grade Outdoor Ed day--which means they spent the day at a local farm learning all about raising animals, bees, drove a tractor, pressed apple cider and were able to do some photography. She loved it all - especially the photography. We might have a budding photographer!

Wyatt is in 4th grade and is also playing flag football. He loves school, oftentimes wishing math was harder (he gets his gift for math from his daddy!) and has lots of friends. He tells me all the time how excited he is for snow and more weather. Except for hail. He is concerned about hail :) 

Hudson is in 2nd grade and thriving in his class and life. He is having fun in all things - school, living in a camper and daily life. We often find him outside on his bike or looking for bugs :)

Charles is settling into his new job - construction is definitely WAY different than police work. He enjoys the challenge and the change of pace, and learning with the crew he gets to work with is a gift. I think of all of us, he is MOST looking forward to fall and winter weather. He actually broke out the Christmas music today πŸŽ„- It makes us ALL very happy to have the prospects of a WHITE Christmas.

Our living situation is delightful - for a season. Troy and Chivonne have allowed us to park our camper on their land outside their barn and given us their tack room for a bedroom. The kids are in the camper - Savanna has the "bedroom" and the boys have the bunk beds. It has a shower and a wee kitchen that works just fine. Charles and I are in the tack room and it has the bath room. It is tight, but we have our own space and are delighting in being near our friends. They have 3 children too and all 6 get along AMAZINGLY. They love to play after school and on the weekends, and, really any chance they get. Our set up has been such a gift as we have waited on our house in Arizona to fully sell. My parents are still in AZ holding down the fort, and we are so 
the Tack room

πŸ’šCamper sweet CamperπŸ’š

storing our stuff in a stall!

1st day of school!
Exciting news - our buyers now are in the process of selling their home, which means our sale will now go through!!! PRAISE JESUS!!! πŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ™Œ They are thrilled and SO ARE WE!! Our buyers are good friends and waiting has been so worth it. We are now looking at closing on November- 7th - which is great. As good as our set up is here, the camper will not withstand the cold that is coming. We might have child-sicles ❄❄❄ if we stayed out here into the truly cold months. As always the Lord has come through and continues to provide for us. We are grateful. 

So now we wait a little more, trust the Lord even more and see His goodness in the land of our living. In the struggle of change - because, dear friends. there has been MUCH struggle, even in the goodness - He never changes. He is RELENTLESSLY optimistic and FAITHFUL over us. We have learned this verse in ACTION, like never before:

Trust in the Lord with ALL your heart and lean NOT on your own understanding; in ALL your ways acknowledge Him and He WILL make your paths straight. Prov. 3:5-6

I'm going to do a picture post next. So many fun ones! But wanted to give you some words first :)

Change is hard, but GOOD and there is no place we would rather be. THANK YOU to those who have prayed, and continue to pray for us. What a PRICELESS GIFT! 

New Mugs for our new life here in NE πŸ˜ƒ


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