
Here we come!
We left Phoenix at 430am on 8/6/18 :) One Expedition, one truck pulling the trailer and a moving van!

The FUN - vehicluse 

This part of NM has probably never seen this many cars at once
 Troy and Chivonne drove down to us in order to drive back to NE with us. We are SOOO grateful. Instead of Charles having to take 2 trips, we made it in one!
Too many hours in the car.....3.5 hr traffic jam in NM OI!

Our dog - Jack (in the box!) 😁😁
 All parties involved in the trip did really well. Even with the 3 hour + delay we arrived into Gothenburg Wednesday 8/8 around 5pm. Talk about HAPPY to be out of the car!
Playing with the Daums and Petersons

 Another REALLY AMAZING thing is that some other friends, Loren and Carole Peterson, moved here at the SAME time. The 3 families are having a GREAT time together. All together, there are 16 of us 😁
Our friends Rachel and Joel came through Gothenburg on their way back to Phoenix - we enjoyed the time all together!

 They brought me flowers πŸŽ•πŸŽ•πŸŽ•πŸŽ•

This white strange. I think they call it FOG  hahahahahahaπŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰

Hudson - 2nd grade and AWESOME!! 

Samuel Wyatt - 4th grade and so FUN!

 Savanna - 6th grade and LOVELY!
Johnsons and Daums 2018/2019 school year

Driving to the big city of Northe Platte :)  gu

Ok, this was SUPER FUN!! The weekend after we arrived was the annual LIVE OUT LOUD concert here in G-burg. We got to meet Colton Dixon, see Zach Williams, Matthew West and Britt Nicole. It 
Colton Dixon is a GREAT guy!
 Chuck had to fly out of Denver for a Rev trip to the wilderness so we met good friends in Denver and my cousin Lisa and family!!

Casa Bonita in Denver with Rob, Laura and Zuri! 

 So fun to see Family!

Flag football!

Julian and Wyatt - the "SON" boys 😁😍

Each week we have family dinner and learn a memory verse. This week is Prov 3:5-6 - TRUST THE LORD. Amen.

Caking with Jhett πŸŽ‚

Harvest festival fun!

PARADE!! Cornhusking and the Pony Express :) 

 Lots and Lots of tractors around here....

 CCorn pens!

Hay bale maze - but of course they are on TOP of the maze....

The Monarch butterflies migrate through here. It is amazing - they are so beautiful and graceful. Going to the park and having them fill the trees was wonder-full!

A sunset from the camper.

Nebraska - the Good life. True statement. For us, there is no place we would rather be - in spite of  missing our AZ people so very very VERY much.

Thanks for enjoying the views with meπŸ’šπŸ’™πŸ’šπŸ’™


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