Hudson Michael....

Here are some pictures of our sweet new boy - 30 weeks 4/13/11.

 He's starting to look a bit squished...

 CHECK OUT THESE FEET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh my goodness. I need to start investing in shoe stock now...with all 3 of our children and their feet :) Guess they come by it honestly :)

I imagine him saying: "Ok, that's quite enough poking and proding. Leave me alone!" :) I think it is just turnabout for all the fidgeting and poking he does to his momma...he is a constant mover - very different from Wy and Sav. They were more sharp kickers...Hudson is more of a mover....all the time :) love love love this little guy! Only 9ish weeks left till we get to meet him! HOORAY!!!


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