HUGE Milestone...

Wyatt has now joined the ranks of the POTTY TRAINED! HOORAY!! After 3 days of staying home and really really working on what it means to be a "big boy" and with loads of new big boy skivvies, our boy is now a BIG BOY. :) We had a "potty party" for him on Monday night (after the 1st full day) and Papa, Grandma, and grandma Great came to celebrate his accomplishment and brought REALLY cool CARS (Lightning McQueen and Mater are HIS FAVORITE!) underpants and he is so proud of his accomplishment! We've had some accidents, but he understands and is beginning to make it his own. :) YAY! Only one in diapers at a no more diapers till Hudson comes. That is reason enough to celebrate!!!

He is also TALKING so much more - getting more articulate, saying sentences and really expressing himself  - it is AWESOME. He loves to talk, to play, is learning what he can and CAN'T hit (he'll ask, Hit Dog? NO, Wy, don't hit the dog. Hit Nana (Savanna)? NO Wy, don't hit Savvy. :) He is a little warrior - but super tender hearted too. He is a precious precious gift.

Savanna is WRITING letters and words like it is her job...and loving it. We are enjoying our home-preschooling - we are working on character traits, Bible verses and letters - she can say 4 memory verses and LOVES learning a new letter each week. She is a great helper and I think she is almost as excited as we are for Hudson to come. :) How amazing is this precious sweet girl!

Hudson is GROWING! We have around 11weeks left - wow. Time certainly FLIES!!! We are all so excited to have him come - but boy does Momma have some things to get done first!! We have Wyatt potty trained, next we will be getting him a big boy bed...and moving him out of the crib and into what will now be Savvy AND Wyatt's room. That will be fun. I think most nights they will probably end up cuddling :) What  a great gift to have a brother / sister so close.

Chuck is doing great - the Goodyear Police Chief quit this week which is SO GOOD. He needed to go. It will be a good change - we are praying for the right person with VISION and true LEADERSHIP to take the helm of the department. I told Chuck he should apply...he has more education than most every other person in the entire department...:) he doesn't think that it sounds like a fun job :) So glad of that!

God is good - we are enjoying each day as they come. Change, growth, milestones. In it all we experience God's love and faithful goodness. Amazing how He loves us!


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