HIking in the rain, bubbles and more...

So today the high was 56 and it rained most of the day...it was GLORIOUS, considering last week is twas 99degrees!!!So far in April we have used both the A/C and the heater :) Random for us. So anyways at 5pm a friend calls and says "Want to go hike the waterfall trail out at White Tanks?" (Those are the mtns right by our house) and we decided to go - even tho it was raining and cold...we just needed to get OUT of the house :) God BLESSED us with a GLORIOUS rainbow - it was spectacular - HUGE and lasted quite a loooooong time. :) YAY GOD!!  

 How in the world could he resist a small puddle? Or each and every puddle we walked by? :) He was very wet and very happy!!
I love this girl. She cracks me up. Wouldn't smile so we decided to have a silly face instead :)

Just liked this one :)

 99 degrees and the water slide....

and 50 degrees and rainy. In a week :)

 Patsy brought out bubbles for the kids...they love her so much. She is so so fun. 

OH! Our garden is GROWING!!! Hallelu!!!

Hitching a ride with Dad...

Amazing, huh?

 They had to stop and climb on almost EVERY single rock we passed... :)

God is good. Savoring these days and enjoying His presence and life as we live each day :)

Thanks, God, for the amazing rainbow!


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