They can't possibly be any cuter...

 Yes, it was the size of his head..almost. We asked for what world is that SMALL?? And he'd eaten 2 inches :)
he loves to KISS Hudson - loud zurbert kisses

26 weeks, taken by Savvy

The whole family :)

He loves to read w/ Grandma Great. It is PRECIOUS :)

First time really climbing a tree! YAY!!!!

Felt story boards...all about the ZOO.

biggest snow cone EVER

I love the sweet grin :)

 Yet another reason to LOVE the swingset...they were swinging and fell asleep. Not sure if Savanna was REALLY asleep or if she was just resting but they both stayed like this for almost an hour :)

 Daddy has been practicing scaling walls for work - useful skill in his line of work - and they wanted to try.

F is for FROG!!!

 LOTS AND LOTS of fun in these boxes. I love that they take something so simple and enjoy it for days :)

Wyatt's first self-portrait. He has been watching his sister take pictures and loves to say CHEESE!!


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