PW Tomato Soup and Meatloaf - Not together...but amazing :)

Meatloaf...not often something you think.. "OH YUM GIVE ME MORE!" Well, let me tell you...this meatloaf will leave you wanting more :) I kid you not, Chuck could've eaten the whole thing...And I have to ask myself, when will I stop being surprised at how GOOD PW's recipes turn out???
So the binder, instead of oatmeal or bread crumbs is fresh bread, soaked in milk.

Parmesan cheese, flatleaf parsley, eggs...that's really all there....until you get to what makes this meat loaf SPECTACULAR....
BACON. Cover the meatloaf with BACON. Yes, BACON. Then top it with this amazing, delicious, simple sauce (ketchup dried mustard and brown sugar) then bake it till its done and a bit caramel-ly. :)
MY MY MY ....The only thing I will do different next time is pre-cook the bacon a bit - it was a tad soggy, which I find un-appetizing. :)

Tomato soup - we love tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches at our house. So I was excited to try PW's Creamy Tomato Soup...even tho my family really, really likes the generic "Just add Water" Campbell's version...esp my sweet husband :)

Tomato Juice, tomatoes, onion, CREAM (are you surprised?)
Fresh basil and flat leaf parsley --this is what really makes the difference. The fresh herbs are amazing.
She actually gives the option of adding a cup of Sherry into the soup, but since I didn't have any I didn't...and doubt if we missed anything. It was creamy - but not over the top, and the herbs were soooooooooooooooo yummy. The grilled cheese LOVED being dipped into this delectable soup :) Try it. Here's the recipe:

and while you are at it, here's the link to the meatloaf:
Just copy and paste the link into your browser or go to and search for the recipes :)



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