Our Garden!!!

We...well, mostly me :) planted our garden yesterday!! Tomatoes, lettuce, spinach, jalapenos, summer squash and watermelon. It is so delightful to get in the dirt and put seeds in, hoping and praying that they will produce LIFE!! Now comes the patience - waiting with a happy heart....I see so much of how God works in planting a garden. The soil is prepared...rocks removed, weeds pulled up (sometimes stubborn weeds!!) and then it is ready to receive the seed...and slowly life happens. YAY!

we cheated...started with wee tomato plants :)

she is a fabulous helper :)

Savvy apparently thought I needed my picture taken in the garden too

coming soon....pictures of GROWTH..(hopefully)

Reading to her bubby in their "boats"

beautiful Gma and Gma Great :)


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