First popsicle and playing in the hose day...and other fun

We got to play at a park the other day with some great Holy Yoga Friends...ended up playing in the lake :)

She loves her new Princess hat :)
Cuddling on the couch...they really, really love each other. :)
Grandma Jayne aka Juju, sent Savanna and Wyatt the Betty Crocker Kids cookbook that her mom had given Charles when he was a wee now we are making fun recipes out of it too :) Savanna chose Green Bean Casserole. Which is rather funny b/c neither Chuck or I like GB casserole :)  But we made it and she helped...I did alter the recipe a bit...we made Pioneer Woman's Onion Strings to go on top instead of the canned French Onion thing-ys...So yummy. :) More on those another day.
Could she get any cheesier??? Can't imagine where she gets it...
Bry and Wy
It was 89. Popsicles were a definite necessity.


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