PW Rosemary Potatoes & MOCHA BROWNIES :)

Frist things first...Mocha Brownies. 
ok so I"m a brownie person. I confess.
Confession #2. I use a box mix. 
Confession #3 and often substitute some apple sauce for some of the oil so they aren't quite so naughty. 
There. With that off my chest I can tell you about the most amazing brownies...

Are you surprised that Pioneer Woman's brownies are amazing?
and filled with butter?

Me neither

Finished product...I added green sprinkles for St. Patrick's Day :)

basic ingredients...butter, eggs, sugar, chocolate flour and vanilla. How simple?
yummy batter...

My sweet girl is going to be an AMAZING cook :)

My helper :)

 PW's Rosemary Potatoes...the ultimate in scalloped potatoes. Ok, yet another confession - I don't really love potato dishes...I like baked potatoes, and french fries and it pretty much stops there. These are really, really good, but I think I'll stick to my previous opinion. :) For those of you who LOVE creamy potatoes, these are for you :) 

butter, cream, 1/2 and 1/2 and cream cheese. Yes, all 4 together!!!
butter cream cheese an onion and  rosemary.

you could easily order these in a restaurant. OH! and I forgot, there is also a cup of Parmesan cheese :)

So there is rosemary and green onions in this, along with the tart flavor of the Parmesan cheese, blended into the cream cheese 1/2 & 1/2 and cream for super creamy goodness. But I don't like rosemary. It's official. Or rather, maybe I should say, we just don't PREFER it...even Chuck, who is the total opposite of me in loving creamy potato dishes, was like, well, its pretty good, but the rosemary....

I served these 2 dishes to our pastors for dinner :) That's how good PW's recipes are - i'm not even afraid to try them out on important people. :) YUM-O

There are no salads in this cookbook...I think I need to go eat one....


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