(The best part is at the very bottom so keep going :) )

This is our garden plot. We got it all ready last fall ~ Sept 15th I think, and planted lots of yummy things. It took 3.5 months for anything to grow. We got some amazing cilantro, one green bean plant (random) and finally some lettuce. I think the package said the gestation was a few weeks...not months. So anyways, we re trying again. Tilled up the earth today - such a beautiful thing to do. Watching the dirt turn over, taking out the rocks, any weeds...it is such a beautiful picture of how God works in our lives...turning over the dirt so He can plant life and life giving things inside of us! Hooray!
our 1 random bean... |
I think, just maybe this is GARLIC!! I realize it is microscopic.... |
lettuce :) wonder if we'll ever be able to actually eat it :) |
Savvy and I planted more cilantro...we love the fresh stuff!
planting new cilantro |
Spinning with Daddy - so glad he loves to get in with them.
Best of all, this is a new video of Wyatt talking. It is priceless :)
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