A growing family.....

Shooting bad guys...


Me too Daddy, me too!!
 AND now, the EXCITING NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We are having a baby BOY!!! We had our ultrasound yesterday and Hudson Michael Johnson is growing perfectly and is, w/o a doubt, a BOY. We are thrilled, and Savanna is now excited about a little brother, instead of a little sister :)
Little feet :)

Perfect profile

CHEESE!! This is the 1st shot we got. He was very accomodating in letting us see his face and ... parts :) 
So we are praising God for the gift of another son. YAY! Wyatt has no idea what fun is coming his way. :) And they moved our due date from 6/28 to 6/19. So we'll see. I imagine sometime in those dates, Hudson will make his appearance :)


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