Recipes #3 & #4 ....

But of my FAVORITE things in the WHOLE world...Savanna "reading" to Wyatt. So so precious. :)

 RED VELVET CAKE...not something I would have EVER EVER made on my own, but that is one of the benefits of cooking thru a are "forced" to make recipes you normally wouldn't....and i EVEN followed the recipe...Yes, miracles still happen.

So this is the final product.....since it was Valentine's day we got some absolutely delicious choc. covered pretzels w/ red & pink hearts...they are really, really yummy dipped in cream cheese icing, just FYI.
 So, of course, the kids helped...mixing and pouring red food coloring all over themselves, their clothes, the counter, the floor....Check out Wyatt's legs...I promise, he was NOT attacked by a cactus. Or rabid dog. Just red food coloring :)
RED spots.....
 So the cake was EASY to make - I rarely make cakes from scratch...ok, let's just be honest, I rarely make cakes. I'm more of a brownie girl...yummmmmmm....
He even had his tongue in the beater....
Cooking with my children is PRICELESS and utterly worth the mess. Thank God for a husband who like to taste test, and doesn't mind the chaos I tend to create when I cook. Like Pioneer Woman says, I'm still waiting for the group of assistants to come help me clean up :)
So the Red Velvet Cake gets 2 thumbs up from the whole family - my parents, Patsy and Gma Great all came out and sampled. They give their approval...altho maybe its just the chocolate lover in me...I think I'll add twice the amount of cocoa next time if I ever make it again :)

Guacamole. Yum. Not much else needed to be said..

PW's guac is SUPER SUPER simple. And YUMMMMMMMMY. After making Pico de Gallo (see previous post) you simply get your avocados, salt them, mash them, then mix in the pico de gallo, as much as you want. It is simple, delicious and easy. Three things much loved by moms everywhere.  Hooray for Guacamole!
My Princess & Prince :)
Crown just a bit off.... :)

And just b/c Savanna & I found these tulips at the store and they are simply one of my most favorite things....
So 2 more recipes down, and lots more to go. This cooking thru PW's cookbook is certainly making my meal planning easier!!

Hope you all had a great Valentine's day... remember the greatest Lover of all has already rescue, to save, to set free... Jesus is the best Valentine :)


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