S. Wyatt Johnson is TWO!!!

Wyatt's birthday was FABULOUS!! We started out on Friday with a super fun day at the Enchanted Island Amusement Park in central Phx. We got to take Bryceson as well ( that's the wee guy we get to watch 3 days a week :) ) The kids got to ride lots of fun rides - all 3 of them tried cotton candy and all three of them hated it!! How funny is that!!?! But, they all 3 LOVED the churros :) (deep fried bread smothered in cinnamon & sugar). It was a great day - we were all exhausted and Wyatt enjoyed it so much  :)

For his birthday, we had cinnamon rolls - funny, he enjoyed the fresh berries more. Then we got to open presents, and it was DELIGHTFUL. He has changed SO much since Christmas - he actually enjoyed ripping the paper and making fun sounds over each present...so so fun. Trucks...trucks are his thing. As well as anything from the movie Cars. Loves loves loves it :) Even went to sleep tonight with a Mater and Lightning McQueen. :)  Enjoy the pictures!!
Chuck & the boys
Papa & Savvy

Roller coaster!!

Playing w/ Chuck b/c he was too short for a few rides...

I hate cotton candy - Bry

Wyatt only enjoyed it for a few minutes then tried to crawl out....UGH!

sweet love....
Spinning cups w/ Papa.

I don't like it either....
YUCK. No cotton candy for our kids :) Just daddy!

This is how we found him when we woke him up on his bday :)

I'm TWO!!

trying to get just 2 fingers up....

Piggy bank from JuJu (Grandma Jayne)


a piggy for each from JuJu :)
a bigger TRUCK!! :)

Fun with Daddy :)
She helped me decorate the cake :)

This Birthday stuff is really fun....

Happy birthday to Wyatt!!!
 The cake was a 3 layer chocolate cake with fudge cream cheese frosting and mint chip ice cream...YUM!!! He didn't eat ANY. But the rest of us did :)

CHEESE!!! note the chocolate smile :)
I made Pioneer Woman's Mac & Cheese and then we had yummy sausages (the more adult version of Wyatt's favorite foods...hot dogs and mac & cheese)...and dinner was awesome. Grandma Great, Patsy, Papa, Grandma and Uncle Scott all came out to celebrate. Yay for family and yummy food!!

Happy Birthday, Wyatt. You are one of the greatest joys in our life!!


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