Well, it has been a ridiculous amount of time since I last created a blog post. To say that life has happened is an understatement LOL

So much has happened. Charles worked as a police officer for the City of Goodyear for 7 years, then transferred to the Gila River Indian Reservation and worked there for 14 months (way too far and so hard on the family!!) He started working for the city of Buckeye in September 2015 and it has been a GREAT city to work for. He has been a police officer for 11 years now!

I work for Revelation Wellness and it is such a JOY! I started out working as an Enrollment Adviser, welcoming new instructors into the training and now I am the Director of Culture - handling HR, developing our team and working with the instructors in their regions. I LOVE my job.

Savanna is now 11 and going into 6th grade. Wyatt is 9 and going into 4th. Hudson is 7 and going into 2nd grade. So many changes since 2013 when I last posted :)

Here is how we got to this adventure! Hold tight and read for the back story that makes the current story make more sense :)

First of all, when I asked God for a word for my new year, 2018 - He gave me NEW. I wasn't really interested in "new" as it really seemed kind of trite and cliche.....but eventually decided He knows better than I do what my word should be. Turns out this year is FULL of NEW!!!

We have been looking at moving off and on - really because we are TIRED of the 6 months of HOT- for about a year now. Charles looked at a few positions in Colorado and every door SLAMMED shut. In the spring, God took Charles especially on a journey to contentment - basically, asking him the question - if you NEVER live in seasons again, will you still choose to be content? And Charles settled on living in AZ for the rest of forever.

Well.....that is when everything shifted. In early June we traveled to Colorado for a week with some of our closest couple friends, celebrating a surprise birthday and 15th anniversary. While we were there, Charles and Troy, his new boss :), started talking about how Troy's business is GROWING and he wants to grow more effectively and branch out into some new areas. The week ended with a conversation about what it might look like for Charles to come work for him.

Now, let me tell you -- this was NOT on our radar, at all. We were content (as you see from above) and planning for the next school year, Charles continuing to work at the police academy for the whole fall and generally super comfortable with life. It makes me laugh, actually. At Revelation Wellness (where I work, and how we met Troy and his wife Chivonne) we have a saying - COMFORTABLE BEING UNCOMFORTABLE. That is where we are living!

So Charles and I began to talk about this; we came home and talked with my parents about moving and to see what they thought as well - and the resounding response was a desire for adventure and seeking if God might be leading us, as a family, to make this move.

Have you ever had peace about something that doesn't make sense? Experienced a sense of HECK YES before you even knew the actual steps or plan? That is how we have felt. From the first moment of - 'Hey, lets pray about if this might be God's leading' to today, with 3/4 of our house in boxes and our house on the way to sold, we have had peace.

Right before Charles and I left for Colorado a dear friend who faithfully prays for me (us) sent me this text: "God has something coming your way, and I'm SO EXCITED!" Again, this was BEFORE we even left. I thought, well that is SUPER FUN! And promptly forgot :) Then after we came home from our trip and were praying over the whole idea of moving to the Midwest, AND the middle of nowhere, she shared a vision God gave her for us, the gist of which was us surrounded by trees (not cactus!).  At this point, around June 20th or so, we began to sense that this truly was God's prompting and not just a "good idea" on our part. Honestly, I don't think I would EVER think this up - nothing wrong with Nebraska. It simply wouldn't have been on my radar!!

One caveat - not one of us had EVER been to Nebraska. Like, even near the state or area where we would be moving. I felt 97% confident that this was God's idea, but honestly couldn't bear to think about moving someplace we had never stepped foot on! So after a great family reunion in Utah, we drove across Colorado (through the mountains God lives in:)) and drove to Nebraska. We spent 2 days with our dear friends and fell in love with the location. It is NOT flat. (that is important to this AZ girl who has grown up with mountains at every view!) It is GREEN (that is important to Charles because he is a KY boy who misses the green like a fish would miss water!) It is beautiful. Rolling hills, oak trees and fields for miles upon miles. And seasons. We will have 4 seasons instead of the 2 seasons Phoenix has - hot and less hot. :)

While we were there we looked at houses, and found one we really like in Gothenburg - it is perfect for us. Bigger house with a fenced yard and a basement! We put an offer in on it - out of faith really, in response to God's YES, this is My plan for you and your family! We explored the little town and Charles got to go around with Troy seeing an overview of what he will be doing and seeing the scope of the business.

There is so much more to share, and that will come. But for now, join us on this adventure. Never in our lives have we stepped out in faith quite like this. Both Charles and I, and my parents, Sam and Charlene, desire God's plan for our lives over our preference and comfort. This is a place of freedom, growth and a new life.

More details coming soon!

In the meantime- we are packing, working on the house to be ready for the buyers God provided without us even having to put our house on the market and all the deep heart work God is doing as we prepare to move. Here is our anthem: "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. In ALL your ways, acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths." Prov. 3:5-6

From the Johnsons - much love!


  1. Selfishly, I’m going to miss you like crazy, but I am SO excited for you!!! ❤️

  2. So excited for your new adventure!

  3. I LOVE reading this and just giggling at the Lord's way of working!!!!! Oh my goodness He is so awesome!!!! How exciting!!! Praying for all the travel and logistics as well as the future of what the Lord has in store for you ALL!!!!!!


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