
I think that waiting is one of the hardest things we will do as humans....simply because waiting means we are not in the driver's seat. Waiting requires TRUST and we have been discovering new trust in new ways...turns out NEW really is our word for 2018 😃

Here is a blog I got to write for Revelation Wellness, before we were decided but in the midst of praying:  He is truly worth every risk. 💙

I thought I would pick up where I left off in the last blog - selling our house without having to list it. One of my concerns in selling our house, and then moving within 60 days, was having to have the house ready to put on the market, traditionally. Let's just be honest. There are 7 of us living in an 1850 sq. ft house. We FILL it out, to say the least. One of my quick under-my-breath prayers was "Lord, please, let us not have to list it." And truly He answered.

Image result for waitingRecently the house behind us sold to an amazing couple that we have enjoyed getting to know, and in doing so we discovered their daughter is our school's nurse! We have known her for over a year and a half, and just love her. As we were deciding on YES, I shot her a text just to see if  - maybe - she would like to live near her mom. The answer was a resounding YES. She and her husband visited, we talked it all over, and the decision was made - this house is going to be theirs!! So so so exciting. Not only will we know the people who are buying this house (that we bought and built from dirt four years ago), we LOVE that it is family living near family.  AND I don't have to try to make the house a museum for showings 😉

Our friends subsequently put their house on the market, and honestly, I fullllllllly expected their house to sell within a day, or less, and that we would then be moving on to all the next steps with no bumps, no hitches, no delays. (You all see where this is going?)

Nothing. Almost 2 weeks of no movement. As in showings where NOTHING happened and interest but not offers. People no-showing them. Days without interest. Worry. Fear of losing the house we put an offer in on Gothenburg. Fear of not being able to have these people buy our house. Fear of being homeless once we arrive in NE because we cannot move forward on buying the new house till our house sells, till their house sells... you get it. Fear of .... well not being in control, let's just be honest. I wrestled with God, like a 2 yr old throwing a temper tantrum at not getting MY way. Makes me laugh, and so so so glad that God is PATIENT with me. After getting my head back in place and repenting, I realized that trust grows in these kinds of places. Trust in God doesn't develop when we have everything go our way - although it can be benefited by those seasons. Trust - the kind of trust that enables you to walk out onto the water - comes with steps taken into the unknown, knowing the One who knows.

One of the things I have been wrestling with is how to ASK God for what I want, but not freak out when things do not go the way I had hoped or asked. God is a good Father - and his promise is that we can ask, seek and knock - and we WILL receive, find and doors will be opened. (Matt. 7:7-11)
So I am learning to ask, and hold loosely - knowing that God wants our best more than I could ever imagine; to delight in the Giver of all good gifts, and trust that, if for some reason, our house sale delays because their house sale delays, He has a plan for that. If we lose the NE house we put the offer in on, He will provide another one - and I imagine it will be even better.

Image result for dominoes
On Sunday, July 22nd, in church, God gave me this picture:  dominoes falling. I assumed that meant our friends would have an offer that day and everything would fall into place, beginning that day. Instead, other dominoes began to fall - in relationships and in our hearts, in trust.

I can honestly say, today, 7/29/18, I am at peace with not knowing exactly how it will all shake out. We have a place to live when we arrive in Nebraska, and that is ANOTHER fun story of God's provision that looks TOTALLY different than I expected.

So we are leaving Arizona in 8 days, with full hearts and assurance of God's goodness - and hope that the house sale will be in process.

You may wonder why we don't just look for another buyer - it would be simple to find another buyer. The market is good for sales right now, and we could probably sell in 24 hours with no problem. However, we are confident that this house that has been such a gift to the Johnson/Leap clan for over 4 yrs belongs to our friends. They will delight in living here and this place will continue to be a place of generational family joy.

So waiting. It is part of life and in the press of the waiting, joy comes, if we look up. Since I cannot control the outcome, it is FREEDOM to release the pressure off myself to try.

We have the house 90% empty - now it is just the chaos of all the stuff we cannot pack up yet OI! We pick up the moving truck Saturday morning and this coming week is FULL of painting, packing, cleaning and people.

A friend posted this and it encouraged me - I hope it does you as well!It's going to be a great week - and I am excited to share this journey with you! Thanks for coming along friends!


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