Christmas in the Park & Christmas Cookies!

Charles got the hankering for Christmas cookies the other night :) So even tho we didn't have all the "Proper" ingredients, we made due and had a GREAT time making cookies. It is one of Charles' favorite memories of Christmas as a kid, so now we share it with ours. SO LOVE THAT!!
Wyatt took this picture :)
I'm pretty sure he's thinking...'Do I ever get to eat the cookies???'
Wyatt did a great job using the rolling pin!!
In the little town of Litchfield Park where my parents live, every year they have Christmas in the Park. It is one of MY favorite Christmas memories :) There is a parade, lots of candy thrown at you - totally hometown feel and fun. Lots of Brownies, Cub Scouts and tractors, a local HS band, the works. It is GREAT. And it is hilarious trying to get the kids to run get the candy at first..."Run into the street and get the candy!" They look at you like ?????? "really? after all this time of teaching me to not run into the street? now you want me to run INTO the street?" :) They warmed up quickly and got a full bag of candy :)
There were bouncy houses and ball throws - they all loved it.
This is Bryceson (we watch him 1 day a week) and his dad, Chad. Chad and Tracey are great friends, and it is fun to share this with them!
 oh and they brought in SNOW! The snow is gated off, and they give different age groups turns playing. Strict rules, but still fun. :)

My grandmother is now in Phx with us. She lives down here for the winter. It is great to share these times with her, and know my children will remember her. The wisdom of age and experience is a gift!

 I know they are hard to see, but Hudson now has TWO teeth! Hooray!!
As a seriously fabulous Christmas gift, Grandma Charlene took Savanna and I to the stage show production of White Christmas. First of all, White Christmas is my FAVORITE Christmas movie. I think it is Savvy's too....and 2nd of all, it was ridiculously FUN to dress up and go to a fancy show. We were in the top tier of Gammage Theater near ASU, and it was splendid! Savanna so enjoyed the show - she only got bored once or twice, which is great for a 3 hour show.

Next year I think we'll shoot for the Nutcracker. It is FANTASTIC to make such great memories!!!

Merry Christmas!


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