Hands and feet....

Today I decided we should make hand and foot prints :) What a glorious mess!! And funny...we did it outside on our patio...thank God for that insight!!!

looks like she has smurf feet :)
Wee Hudson hands :) the blue was a bit hard to get off...so we all had colored hands and feet for most of the day :)
Momma had to have foot prints too :)
Hudson is 10 weeks old now...wow. Time flies. His smile has EXPLODED!!! And he is starting to talk to us, in gurgles and coos. it is FABULOUS!!! :)
What is this furry black thing????
Sweet smile :)
Propped up in the high chair to he can be a part of the family :)
God is good. Children are growing. We start preschool next month. Super excited. Savvy wants to play school every day. Glad that lots of our preschool will be play :)


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