Learnin' and growin'....

Our children are so incredible. No real, express reason I say that, other than, well, they are :) Savanna is growing and comprehending so much. We are going to start with some preschool activities next week - she is so excited. She gets her backpack out and says, "Mom, I'm going to school." :) She is such a JOY and so much fun. Also quite the little helper. And just a bit bossy :) But Wyatt is strong enough to take it!

Wyatt is adding new words to his vocabulary every day. It seems that more and more he wants to try to say what you are saying, which is fun. We are still very much in the state of translation, however...that is going thru words until you get the one he is YELLING at you. Somehow he thinks that the louder he yells it, the easier you'll understand :)

God is good. I see Him working in both our children. It is such a sweet thing to have them.

Chuck is doing well in his job - he is getting ready to change schedule days from Wed-Sat, to Sat-Tues. It will give us, for the first time in 3.5 yrs part of a weekend together (ie: Friday nights) which will be fabulous, but includes him working on Sundays, which is not exciting. But it's very much give and take and I'll take having the 3 days off together :)

I am in the 2nd trimester and feeling, for the most part, energetic and GREAT!. Hooray for no more queasiness! We are just over 16 weeks along and should be finding out who Peanut is (boy/girl) in the next month. We are all super stoked about that - Savanna is convinced its a little sister ( b/c why in the world would she need another brother?!?!) :) and actually Chuck and I feel pretty strongly its a "she" too...but are totally open to being wrong...I thought Wyatt was a girl and Savvy was a boy so I'm batting about 2/3rds wrong :)

Life is good b/c God is good. He is leading us and guiding us and the word for the Johnson's this year is NEW. It will be an awesome 2011.

Much love to you all!


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