Fun new stuff!! :)

Savanna learned how to WINK!! All of the sudden out of the blue, she winked at me, one eye and then the other!! :) Being four is certainly awesome :) She loves to talk about going to the beach ("that's where Uncle Kevin lives") and maybe getting to go to Sea World for her birthday - trying to convey how FAR away October is can be challenging :) But she is very into birthdays and celebrating - she made me a "cake" yesterday and we had a whole party - even tho my birthday is still 2 months away. I'm telling her Wyatt is next and she is already excited about helping with his cake :) She is a great big sister. Kinda bossy, but I've heard it goes with the territory.

Wyatt is talking SO much. He even tried to say "be excused" tonight after dinner. And of course, only Chuck and I can really "speak Wyatt-ese", but it is so precious and I love this stage of actually learning to talk and express. YAY! He is also testing every at the park he was totally ignoring me until I belted out "Samuel Wyatt Johnson!", then he turned around with the most mischievous grin ever...Jesus, help me! It'd be easier if he weren't so darn cute!! :)

Peanut is GROWING!! We got to hear his/her heartbeat on Tuesday and, as usual, it made me cry and Charles beam with happiness :) The belly is getting bigger - people don't look at me like I've just had one too many drinks any more :) It is obvious, Baby Johnson will be joining the world, soon. We get to find out the baby's gender beginning of February, so go ahead; wait with baited breath! We are :)


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