A family member you may never have known we had..

I am the grandmother to a moose. Yes, you heard me correctly, a MOOSE. She doesn't have a "real" name, it is simply "moose" or "moosie." She has become a permanent and important part of our daily life. Yesterday Moose looked at me and said "Grandma!" Wow. Not ready for the one quite yet. Guess I'm getting some practice in on a small, blue well-loved moose with no neck to speak of any more. (Her neck has been "loved" down into her belly). She 1st joined our family when Savvy was 1 or so, and went ignored for quite a while...I think she was discovered shortly after the little brother came on the scene. Moose goes EVERYWHERE with us, and occasionally sleeps at other people's houses, esp.Grandma's (on accident)...Once we thought we'd left her at Safeway and I almost cried...until I remembered, she is just a BLUE MOOSE. Still, she is part of every thing in life... "Momma, Moosie doesn't like that. Momma, Moose is hungry. Momma, Moosie loves ice cream! " Oh and there was the time when Moose was riding in the truck with her head and arms out the truck window...then I hear Savanna scream "MOOOOSSSIEEE!!!!" She had been dropped...on a busy state route. So I flipped a quick, but safe U turn...and watched as 3 semis and 5 cars approached. My thoughts..."Jesus, if you care at all about a little blue moose, could you make sure there is something left???" I recovered her with only a little dirt. Jesus loves my girl.

Oh! We used our fire pit for the first time last night!! It was awesome! Party at the Johnsons!! We all went to bed smelling like we'd been camping. Happy happy joy joy!

Oh, and Wyatt now says "Yay!" it is absolutely adorable. Usually said with accompanying arms up and a huge grin :)


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