School starts and Swim lessons! :)

 Savanna is officially a kindergartner! She started on 8/20, and LOVE LOVE LOVES it. She was made to go to school :)

 Savvy has a great teacher, Ms. Isaacson. So far in the first week, she learned all the months of the year, a weather song, and lots of other fun songs. She is learning Spanish 2 days a week and doing music 2 days a week. PE every day! Which she doesn't always love, "We had to RUN. A lot. I didn't like it ." I told her it was good for her :) They also get to use IPads, so now she thinks we need one as a family.

She is an excellent far, and is making friends. She commented that there is another girl her same size too :) otherwise she is taller than everyone :) How I remember that!
 Celebration dinner at a new Mexican dive we found - Yay for Family!!

 CHEESE with Papa....
 Wyatt got to take 2 sessions of swim lessons this summer and is ROCKING it. He can now actually swim by himself - not for long, but enough, and is an amazing FLOATER. He can roll from front to back, and floats like it is his bed :)
 Jumping in the water was one of his favorite things. Love that he is in the AIR here!! :)

 One of the activities they did was "saving" someone. Miss Cindy asked for "help!" and Wyatt learned how to lay on his tummy and pulllll her in to safety. Pretty cool.
 Best part of the whole set of lessons - going down the slide on the last day. He loves to go by himself - lays on his back and puts his hands behind his head and shooooooots down like a BULLET.




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