Hudsons is ONE!@!!

Hudson is one!! He is walking, climbing A LOT and generally bringing LOTS of joy to our family. He is super opinionated, surprise, surprise :) Here are some fun pictures from his birthday party. 

 Great friends and neighbors, the Corson's :)
 Great friends from church, Kenny & Dalene Hill - their daughter Shaleigh is our adopted big sister and amazing babysitter :) Cassandra, in the back, is another fabulous neighbor :)
 Auntie Leslie, Julia, and Shaleigh :)

 Wyatt is pretty excited to be 3...and already talking about turning 4 :)

 oooooh what is this???

 Seriously? You expect me to care about clothes? :)

 Here, let me squeeeeeze your nose.

 Cupcake ball cones! :)

 Really? I finally get one???

 I think she wishes she could steal away and eat them all :) lol

 now this is more normal....

 two cones. Yes, somehow he acquired 2 cones :) The joy of being one!

I will get up.....

how do I get down???

Hooray for family. The only thing that would've made it better was to have our whole family here! Someday! 


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