More Pioneer Woman yumminess....

Ok, So i have been VERY negligent in posting the continuing yumminess that is what happens when you cook a PW recipe. :) So here is an update :)
Eggs in a basket. So easy, so simple. So fun! Buttered toast, yummy egg...great for any meal!
Pineapple Upside Down Cake. Was a bit skeptical about this one...even tho I really like all the basic ingredients. Well, as usual it is DELISH!!Here are the basics.
Melt butter in a pan with brown sugar. Tell me this: how could it POSSIBLY be bad with this as the foundation?????????
Then you put the pineapple on top...then pour in your batter and bake. Highly recommend a deeper skillet due to overrun...HOORAY for a cookie sheet underneath to rescue my oven! ;)
Yes, it is as gooey and delicious as it looks :)
Flat Apple Pie - super easy way to make apple pie for a family on the run. You can literally cut a slice out and carry it around...not that I let my wee ones do that, but someday I could see that it might be a possibility in our world :) Apples, sugar and cinnamon.
Pie crust... her recipe is EASY and delicious.
I recommend it for any baking need :)
So then, you put chunks of butter on the outside as you put it int eh oven to bake. I know you were wondering where the butter in this recipe was. Just keeping you on your toes :)
Then you bake it....
And EAT. Repeat. YUM. I think a scoop of vanilla ice cream would improve its yumminess even more. I am not really a pie person, but htis one is def great :)
And my dad liked it. That is HUGE, considering he is an apple pie lover!\

Oh, and here are the steps to making the "eggs in a basket." Just in case you wanted a play by play. So complicated, huh? :)
Well, off I go to try new things and hopefully finish this cookbook before her second comes out ...right around my birthday, hmmmm what a coincidence! :)

So enjoy...try 'em and savor the sweetness of life as you do!


  1. I loved eggs in a basket as a kid. I think we called it egg in a nest. So fun!


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