A loose and LOST tooth!! and other fun :)
Savanna discovered yesterday that her tooth was loose. Then this morning at breakfast, it came out!! No trouble, no pain (Thank the Lord), just a small little tooth and a happy girl :) Savanna also got to have her hair shampooed this week while she was getting her haircut. Growing up is fantastic :)
We went to the Arts in the Park with Papa & Grandma this weekend. It was very fun. They got to eat a snow cone the size of their head - and play in some bounce houses :) Wyatt is standing in line, very patiently in the above picture, to go down a HUGE slide. :) So fun! Chewing on everything he can get to his mouth...
Hudson is now a proficient roller- from back to belly. Then he gets stuck on his belly :) it is quite funny. Esp since it is supposedly easier to roll from belly to back :) He is now 20 weeks old. Where does time go? He is super chatty - quick to smile, loves his sister and brother so much. Saying new sounds - bababa and mmmmmmm. Maybe he'll say "momma" first :)

Hudson is now a proficient roller- from back to belly. Then he gets stuck on his belly :) it is quite funny. Esp since it is supposedly easier to roll from belly to back :) He is now 20 weeks old. Where does time go? He is super chatty - quick to smile, loves his sister and brother so much. Saying new sounds - bababa and mmmmmmm. Maybe he'll say "momma" first :)
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