First family beach trip - Navarre, FL 7-18-2001

We had such a great time at the beach with Grandma JuJu. on Sunday after the reunion, we drove 4 1/2 hrs southish to Navarre, FL. GORGEOUS, and not busy at all. It rained and rained and rained...and then rained some more on the drive down. For us Arizonans, it was HEAVEN :) It was, however, still raining when we arrived so Chuck took the big kids and Grandma, and Hudson and I stayed at the hotel, while they played at the beach. Thankfully, the rain cleared off, and they had a great time. Hudson and I walked the little beach in front of our hotel - that was nice too. For dinner, we went to a place called Beach Monkey. Chuck ordered:
Raw oysters Ok, so Chuck grew up consuming these...things. I, on the other hand, find them really, really gross. I have tried them, with an open mind, and they are just not for me. More power to him, he can have my portion. 

Well, Savanna, who is our eater, decides to try one. I was very very skeptical - but she ate the whole thing, cracker and all - Chuck put the sauce on top. She actually seemed to like it and asked for a 2nd one, with no sauce ...I'm not sure she likes them any more after the sauce-less one. I'm so proud of her trying new things and actually liking them! .

This is how Hudson enjoyed the beach Monday morning:
Both of the kids boogie boarded with their daddy - it was so so so fun! The waves were small but rolling, so it was a perfect first beach/wave experience for them both.

The princess of the sand castle :)

Vacation, again, is highly underrated :)


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