Enchanted Island Fun!

On Saturday we got to go to the Enchanted Island Park in downtown Phx. SUPER FUN!!! It was for Savvy's good friend, Colin, who turned 5! His little sister is Paige, and she is 6 weeks younger than Wyatt so our kids are great friends. Arranged marriages, yes? He loves the airplanes :) Paige was too short so we got to hang while Wy flew planes :) Seriously, they spun us silly on the tea cups! Savanna's bumper boat kept wandering to the edge... Pre- roller coaster.... DURING! They both LOVED it :) We had such a great time.These precious kids are so much fun, and I'm so thankful we get to have one more! :) I'm sure Peanut will be just as much fun as Savvy and Wyatt. Speaking of Peanut, my new favorite thing in the whole world... Savvy coming up to my belly, putting one hand on each side, kissing it and saying "I love you Peanut!". AHHHHHHHHHH. Sweetness.