Park FUN!!
Again, we had a gorgeous day on Monday - only around 88 so we went to the park with some great friends to play at the splash pad. We found a new park not too far from our house and it was so so so fun!! The kids got to rock climb, slide down an almost 3 story curly slide and then play in the splash park. It was great fun :) 

They are both changing so much!! Wyatt is talking in full sentences and is so quick to say I love you and Miss you ALL night when I get him up in the morning. He also has a great grasp on "thank you!" He loves to say Thank really random times, and mostly at totally appropriate times :) I was putting him down for his nap after the park and he was shirtless-he said shirt Momma! so I got him a shirt and helped him into he was laying down, he said, "Thanks momma" so so so precious :)
Savanna is such a great helper - we sometimes have to reign her in from trying to be a 2nd mommy :) but tonight at dinner she told Wyatt, "You need to obey Momma, cheerfully, immediately and thoroughly. That's what it means to obey." I love it :) She is getting it!
Hudson is doing GREAT!! We had a last ultrasound on 5/18 and they are estimating that he weighs almost 6 lbs and is measuring perfectly in every way :) YAY! So we are hoping he will come any time after June 12th :) Goodness knows, we are READY! Esp me....He seems to want to push my ribs out of my body in order to make more room for his loooooong legs :)
God is good :)
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