Memorial day and other fun stuff

We had a nice relaxing Memorial Day. Chuck had to work so we had a BBQ with my parents and our good friend Jaynah, and her kids, Addison & Cason. We ate at home then drove out to the mtns just west of us - it was great fun. Wore out the children, and got to enjoy the beautiful weather. I tell you what, this May has been such a gift! It was only 85 Yesterday!! That, I'm sure, is record-setting :) I love these men :) Heading out to White Tanks Mtns - the kids got to ride in back with Papa & Daddy Sweet girls... Only 2 weeks left!! Very important men Wyatt is such a boy. He had to climb on every rock we saw :) and smash every bug we saw.... Last family picture before Hudson!! Silliness Tank LOVES my dad. :)