Seriously. If blog posting were as routine as paying bills, I would seriously be in ARREARS. :) We just recently got a new laptop so now hopefully my issues with posting and uploading pictures will be resolved and the irritations of a slow, ancient computer are gone. :) Today we celebrate our 2nd born son, Hudson Michael Johnson. He is such a delight. He is currently learning how to walk - he alternates between really fast crawling and excited toddling. He is also a master of climbing on the couch :) and getting down carefully :) Huddy actually wants to climb on ANYTHING and EVERYTHING he can get himself up on. :O) Oh my......We had a fun little party yesterday for him - he thoroughly enjoyed his chocolate cake ball :) Those pictures will come soon. Savanna is about 60 days away from starting kindergarten - I know this b/c she keeps asking how many days are left :) Needless to say, she is VERY excited. We play school all the time, including lunchtime and I generally get to be the t...
Showing posts from June, 2012