Grandma Jayne, aka JuJu, came to visit!

We had a FANTASTIC time with Charles' mom, Jayne while she was here this past weekend. We really didn't do much, just enjoyed hanging out - hiked out at the White Tanks near our house, went to church, just savored being together. Savvy did her hair, first thing. Priorities, you know :) They found some stickers and COVERED themselves with them...I'm still finding them :) He is so stinkin' cute!! 29 weeks now! CHEESE!!!!!!!!!!!! Look! There's a stick! Get it!! :) Wyatt LOVES sticks, aka swords, aka guns.... When I see this picture I want to break out in song..."Climb every mountain! Ford every stream! Follow every rainbow, till you find your dreeeeeeeaaaaammmm!" (Sound of Music for those of you who are cocking your head to one side wondering what in the world is wrong with me :) Picnic! This is the way to hike :) He slept the whole way in...then decided he was STARVING and cried the rest of the way out :) Trust me, at almost 19 lbs,...